Sunday, June 29, 2008

Roasted Beets & beet greens

Don't forget to check the binders on the recipe table in the barn for recipes you can take home with you! Christina has them organized under tabs for the main vegetable in the recipe. She also has cookbooks on the table there that you can browse through to get recipe ideas (please do not remove these cookbooks from the barn).

I *LOVE* beets, and so does my husband. I remember as a child my mom kept a garden & always grew beets in it. They are so delicious, and what a beautiful deep red color. Here is a recipe to roast beets in the oven.

Roasted Beets
recipe found by Bob on internet :)

(do not wash beets prior to cooking, they should be dry)
1. Preheat your oven to 400F
2. Cut the greens off of the beet, but do not cut into the beet itself. Place beets in a baking dish so they are not touching, cover with aluminum foil. Bake for 1 to 1& 1/4 hours (depending on size) until fork tender.
3. After removing from oven, cut into the aluminum foil to allow the steam to escape, let cool for a few minutes. Remove foil & allow to cool enough so you can handle the beets, and then peel the skin off using your fingers.
4. Eat your beet!

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