Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas is just around the corner...

Now that Christmas is nearly here, maybe you are looking for gift ideas for family or friends. With the economy the way it is, many people are cutting back their usual spending, and/or buying gifts that are practical rather than impractical. I mean, just how many cocoa mug gift sets and bottles of perfumey soap does one person need? (although for the record I cannot get enough of this soap) So if you are looking gift ideas, or perhaps for yourself, here are a few things I have appreciated over the year that would make nice gifts.

Reusable bags
Even if you are not interested in reusable bags, please check out this website. Notice the counter at the top of your screen there. Wow. Yes, there are recycling stations at many grocery stores for plastic bags nowadays, but the majority of plastic bags still end up in a landfill. Not really the most intelligent use of fossil fuels and limited landfill space. Many people comment on my reusable bags but say they wouldn't remember to bring them in the store with them. Here are some great bags that fold up small enough to go into your purse or pocket. I carry a couple in my purse all the time, and it comes in handy more than just for shopping! I also keep a couple of these bags in the car for groceries - they are very similar to the size of a paper grocery bag, with handles. And then for other types of shopping (mall, Target, etc.) these bags are stylish and hold an amazing amount of stuff.

Also at this same website is a great selection of reusable water bottles. Did you know it takes more water to make each disposable plastic drinking bottle than it holds when you buy it? And once again, not everyone is recycling these bottles. *And* we are also not really sure how safe it is to eat or drink out of plastic containers. Here is a water bottle that I use to take my own water with me, so I don't have to worry about all of these environmental & health concerns. And if tap water taste doesn't agree with you, try a simple water filter carafe you can put in your fridge.

How about replacing some of old (questionably safe) plastic food containers with glass ones? These made in the USA pyrex storage containers would be a welcome gift for many moms.

And I am a huge fan of gifts of food. Make something homemade to give to friends and family, give a gift certificate to a grocery store, consider giving a La Vista Garden share to someone who could use it.

Even if none of these ideas are for you, try thinking about each of the things you buy this Christmas - Is it something that will reduce or increase your environmental footprint? Is it made of materials that we are certain are safe? Is it something that will be of use for years or merely days? If you get something you do not want or will not use, do not be afraid to return it to the store or give it to someone who can use it. Why let something that someone else could use go to waste?

And remember, the things you buy & the food you eat determine how this world is used.

Merry shopping! Or baking!!


Amanda Hall said...

Great advise Jenn! I'm sorry I couldn't figure out how to do this before Christmas but I think I had said that using reusable bags for wrapping is also a great idea. I had found some cheap ones at Toys R Us that had Christmas-y prints on them.

Anonymous said...

We recently ditched our microwave (crazy, I know), but as a result, we quit using plastic wrap and switched to foil (which can be recycled) and store food in glass containers that can be reheated in the toaster oven and never get thrown out (or don’t leak BPA’s)!